Toyota Camry (AVV50) / Daihatsu Altis (AVV50N)

Japanese style shibui sedan

Will you continue?

This time I would like to introduce the Toyota Camry(right hand drive).
Daihatsu Altis is the same type car like brother

Do you feel like choosing Shibui again?
Although the Camry has entered a fairly minor route in Japan, it has finally joined the ranks of hybrids in the 50 series.

It was a high-class and calm car that made me think that it was getting bigger with each model change.

I feel like I should try riding if I get old and can afford it.
After all the ride quality of the sedan is good.

Well then, let’s go to the main subject.

Remove the damper


After opening the glove box, pull the damper on the left side to the left to remove it.
Even if you pull it, it may not come off smoothly. In such a case, please be careful not to apply too much force.

Remove the glove box


Push both ends of the glove box inward and pull it toward you to remove the glove box stopper (the part where the glove box is fixed).
It may be easier to remove if you remove one by one.

Remove the white cover


There is a white cover behind the glove box, so you can remove the cover by pushing the locks on both sides inward and pulling it toward you.
This hasn’t been that elaborate, so I think it’s easy to remove.

 Replace filter


All you have to do is replace the filter! !!

It’s a way to replace Toyota’s royal road.
If you get used to it, you can exchange it in seconds.
But don’t force yourself to damage things around you.

TOYOTA CAMRY(50) Cabin air filter

DAIHATSU ALTIS(50) Cabin air filter


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