The worst thing ever (laughs)
It was a season when the inside of the car became hot soon.
Where did the rainy season go? I feel like it.
Well, today I am going to introduce Accord Hybrid( CR6/7 Right hand drive).
Plug-in hybrids can be used in the same way.
Well, plug-in hybrid(CR5) is sold only for lease, so there may not be any owners who are quite likely to own them, but …
Let’s go live!
Move the glove box
Open the glove box, push the left damper to the back, remove it, then pushing both sides inward the glove box.You can move the glove box down by removing the stopper.
Remove the filter cover
You can see the black filter cover at the back of the glove box, so pull it forward while pushing the handles on both sides inwards to remove the cover.This is easy.
Replace filter
Then replace the filter and it’s done.Replace is not difficult.If you remember it, you can replace it in less than 2-3 minutes.Now, let’s quickly swap before the hot sweat!